Wednesday, June 29, 2011

There is no room at the Inn/ Border Crossing

There is No Room At the Inn

Our goal last night, (Tuesday pm), was to drive, at least, to Fargo, ND before turning in for the night.  Our trip went quite quickly and we were there before we knew it.  At the same time, all the kids were zonked out in the van and Dave was all good for driving further, so off we went.  I fell asleep, waking periodically to get my bearings.  But before long, we were near Jamestown, ND, and there was no room at the inn…at ANY inns!  Every hotel gave us the same story:  “No Rooms Available!”

On we went into North Dakota’s abyss.  The clock rolled around to 1:30 am and our van was still trucking down the road.  We finally pulled into an empty parking lot in Harvey, ND, (population: small).   Dave slept for maybe 2 hours and then took off down the road again.  At 5:30 am we pulled into Minot, ND.  The gas station could provide us with fuel and the use of the bathroom but no coffee!!  There is water contamination because of the recent flooding, so no coffee available!  The restaurants were not open for the same reason—bad water.  We would have taken pictures but the sun was just coming up and it was still too dark.

The Border Crossing

Despite lacking coffee, Dave pressed on!  Everyone else was still sleeping and he figured he could make some good time without hearing, “Are we there yet?” so on we went.  The next time he pulled off the road, we were at the border and he felt we shouldn’t wake the kids just for customs so we all took in more shut-eye.  The sun found us at 8 AM all needing a bathroom break.  We made our final stop in the States at a gas station where a small can of peaches cost $2.89!  

The border crossing happened with little incident.  There was no one in sight and I would have thought it was abandoned except for this sweet little man who appeared out of the booth directing us to the right lane…the ONLY lane!   Welcome to Canada!

1 comment:

  1. Who'da thunk that ND was such a happenin' place? Glad you made it through AND survived the great coffee drought of '11!
