Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Final Destination - Home

After driving 6,041 miles (9,666 km), we pulled into our driveway at 5:55 am this morning.  We left Shenandoah, IA, Friday morning around 7:30 AM and only made one stop for lunch, fuel, potty; one for dinner, fuel and potty; and 3 other potty breaks along the way rounding out our trip to 21 hours and 40 minutes.  That is a record time for us.

I will continue adding other events to this blog like our day mountain climbing, Montana and Iowa pics but for now I will give some totals for our journey.....drum roll, please!!!!

Final Straw count = 123

License plates: 
Out of  50 States, we saw 47.  
Out of 10 Provinces & 3 Territories, we saw 7 Provinces & 2 Territories

The states not seen by the Travelling Quigley's were Deleware, Hawaii and Rhode Island.  Yes, we did see Alaska---at a gas station in Montana.  They were pulling in while we were leaving and they saw us all point at their license plate and yell, "ALASKA"  They responded with a kind northern smile and wave, knowing they had made our day! :)  The provinces not seen were Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island;  The territory missing from our sight was Nunavut.  I guess we'll have none of that! :)

Total Miles Driven = 6041.3
Gallons of gas used = 282
Average Mileage = 21.4 miles per gallon (We had the infamous Bubble traveling with us.)
Average Speed = 56.2 mph (Our time in Chicago didn't help this number.)

Total Suitcases = 4 -- along with each child and mom having a "carry-on' for the van trip.
Loads of laundry done along the way = 10 and counting, now that we are unpacking! :)

To all those traveling along with us on this blog, thank you for joining us!  We had a wonderful, relaxing vacation with many awesome memories made along the way!  Hope you enjoyed the journey, we know we did!

PS  There are about 3 more blogs coming with pictures and stories for this last fun filled week.

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