Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Time At The Cabin - Sunset Pointe--Alberta Beach - July 2-7

One of Dave’s favorite places on the planet is this place, Alberta Beach –Mom and Dad’s cabin.  We stayed at some friend’s cabin just a few doors up from here but Grandma’s place was definitely the place to hang out.

Grandma keeps her flower beds so nicely manicured. Neighbors walk by throughout the day admiring the yard and hummingbirds visit frequently.

Dave relaxing in the front yard.

Matthew and cousin Isaiah playing with the bubble machine.  This and the sandbox occupied them for hours.

Isaiah and Matthew sitting on Grandma’s rock.  Say  “Cheese!”

Niece Megan and Emily dressed up for a “Super Hero” party.  Megan went as “Super Megan” and Emily dressed as “Rogue” from the X-men movie—notice the white streak in her hair! J

Dave and I enjoying the beauty of Sunset Pointe on Lac Ste Anne.   The sun would set around 11 PM and rise again between 3:30 – 4 AM.  This picture was taken at 10:55 PM, we continued to watch for another 20 minutes before the mosquitos ate us alive! J

All of us enjoying poutin!   (From Left to Right)  Nephew Isaiah, Auntie Esther, Sam, Auntie Daphne,  Nephew Ryan, Jon, Auntie Vange, Niece Megan, Emily, Rachel, Matthew)

Thumbs up’s verdict by Megan and Emily for cinnamon rolls and cream cheese frosting!


Auntie Esther, Isaiah and Sam munching down! J

Sweet Matthew and me—(Love, love this little man!)

Camp is always a blast!  A place filled with lots of memories, love and laughs!

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