Friday, July 1, 2011

You Know You're in Canada When...

You Know You’re in Canada When….

…a gallon of milk costs $5.69
…people say “Good Morning” and mean it. J
...peanut butter packets are placed on the restaurant table right along with the jellies. can eat butter tarts for breakfast.
…“Moose on the Loose” signs are posted along the highway.
...towns are named “Cut Knife”, “Moose Jaw”, and “Assinaboine” --Don’t ask me what that means but it's fun to say! :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Canada Day to all the Quigleys!!!! An extra special thank you to the Matriarch of it all for the wonderful blogging, allowing us to vicariously live this journey with you all. Hugs and kisses keep enjoying, Stace
