Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Remembering Perkins

Monday night, we stopped in Elkhart, Indiana for dinner at a Perkin’s restaurant.  There’s a special place in Dave and I’s heart for Perkin's.  I shared with the kids last night, the stories of Dave and I in our poor college dating days.  Ordering a pot of coffee and large plate of fries at Perkin’s and sharing hours of talking because that’s all we could afford!  Dave piped up:  “Yes, and look at us now:  eating full meals and paying for 4 kids!”

Another great thing about being back in the Midwest is experiencing the friendliness of the people and great customer service!  We did however draw some attention as we walked into the restaurant filled with only 10 other local patrons.  They all seemed to notice the carrier on top of our van along with the New York plates.  It didn’t help that Dave decided to have some fun with the hostess of the restaurant.

By the door, a sign read : “It is our pleasure to seat you.”  Dave asked, “So, how much pleasure do you get in seating families like ours?”  She was caught a little off guard but responded nicely, “As much as seating others!”  (heehee)  The others in the restaurant snickered.  And of course, she seated us smack dab in the middle of the restaurant at a large table with the locals in booths surrounding us…another adventure with the Quigley’s! J

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