Monday, June 20, 2011

Why not blog your vacation?

In only a few short days, our family is going to be embarking on a monumental journey (at least for us).  We will be driving from upstate NY to Edmonton, Alberta in a minivan.  That's six travelling Quigely's crammed in with all the gear to take a trip cross country and then some to visit the family north of the border. 

Was talking to someone recently and they said, "Why not blog your vacation?" or something along those lines.  We were planning on journalling as we went - having everyone contribute their favorite moments and stories, or simply capture thoughts along the way.  Since we are becoming more technologically savy, we said, "WHY NOT?"

So we'll see how it turns out!   

Now, off to bed.  Need to get some rest before we roll out in less than a weeks time.

So long for now.

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